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Software / Game Developer 2018-(current)

Notable Projects

  • Production Developer: Cox DRL VR Drone Race for Next Marketing

    • Premapped POV drone race through a 3D arena in VR. My contribution to this project was

      • Port environment to VR

      • Perform drone path timeline and animation

      • Lighting and Rendering for VR

    • Read more here:


  • Production Developer: Lord Truck and Car AR for Applerock

    • Designed and developed internal proprietary app AR iOS application for 3D printed scaled models of a Car and a Truck .


  • Production Developer: Touch Screen Interactives for Kennedy Space Center & NASA

    • Designed and developed 4 historically accurate touch screen interactive kiosk applications for KSC with real-time physics for rocket sims and video documentaries

    • Read More Here:


  • Production Developer: Fish Draw for St. Louis Aquarium at Union Station

    • Designed and developed a dual projector projection mapped underwater simulation filled with artificial-intelligence fish system.

    • 3D fish in the simulation are spawned and textured from hand drawn and colored sheets of paper through a computer vision controlled camera capture station.


  • Production Developer: Augmented Reality Sandbox for St. Louis Aquarium at Union Station

    • Designed and developed projection mapped and depth based AR Sandbox with 2 planes of mapping (the sand and the wall).

    • The trickiest project I have worked on to date! - involved 5 projectors and 2 depth sensors mapped to the size of a small living room.


AR Developer & Researcher (Contract): 2017-2018
Augmented Expeditions

  • Research, Deployment and QA engineer - AE Tree Demo App

    • Part of team that released the new AR Demo for turning real life Historical Objects into an         interactive AR Experience. This app was featured in Vuforia's latest Keynote address.

    • Status: Under Development (LINK)


  • Lead Engineer - Viterbi Magazine Puzzle App (2017)

    • AR video puzzle solving app for Images in Viterbi Magazine Published by Univeristy of Southern California

    • Status: Released on Google PlayStore and Private Distribution on Apple iTunes Store (App LINK)

Research Assistant - VGL AIT (2014-15)

Gender Detection Video Analytic (OpenCV/C++)

After my undergraduate studies, I was hired by my then advisor to work as a research associate in his computer vision research lab. I was assigned the project to develop a gender analytic for commercial and open-source VMS (Video Management System).

  • Approach: Face Detection -> Feature Extraction -> Gender training based on extracted features. Though there are many ways to differentiate between the genders (gait, ratio of torso to legs, Body structure-> girth of hips), the body part with the most significant differences between the biological genders, is the facial features -> plus its easily seen in a surveillance video

  • Method: HAAR based face detection using the AT&T Face DB -> PCA for feature extraction -> SVM trained gender classifier based on eigenvalues.

  • Platform/Libraries: OpenCV, Eclipse IDE for C++

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