Academic & Fun Side Projects
Having learnt about Unity3D in 2015, I started to experiment and implement any and all game idea and interesting algorithms. Here are a few key ones
ARKit and Vuforia + Watson + Occluded Portal Shaders
I love combining and keeping myself updated with the latest SDKs and releases related to Mixed Reality
Stranger things upside-down parallel world portal through ARKIT and Vuforia
IBM Watson AI + Google Custom Search API for voice based image search using device camera on iPhone.
Watson AR Assistant Parallel World Portal Old Portal Game
AR Music Visualizer
My friend wanted 90's style music visualizer that runs from his iPad but is large enough to be seen on his glass table
After doing a bit of research on audio sampling here is what I came up with using Augmented Reality -> check out the video
I'm currently working on a prototype with a portable holographic project to actually be able to project what the video shows, onto a table/flat surface
The Island
FPS, objective based survival game.
Story-line: Humans are extinct. Aliens, who watch over humans, send a team to retrieve last proof of human existence. One of the Aliens gets left behind on an island on Earth. He must survive till rescue arrives. The aliens' knowledge of human extinction might have been misguided.
My current USC Gamepipe project under professor Mike Zyda and Scott Easley involving
Procedural Terrain
Procedural Music
Neural Network trained AI
Trojan Warriors
First Person Shooter, puzzle-based iOS Game
Story-line: USC vs UCLA football rivalry and UCLA's repeated attempts at defacing the Tommy Trojan statue.
My 1st experience at developing a full game from scratch in Unity as part of a small team for a fun course I took at USC GamePipe under professor Mike Zyda.
Procedural Terrain
Run-time landmass generation using Perlin Noise (octaves, persistence & lacunarity)
Dynamic LOD(level of detail) meshes
Custom Shaders
Custom in-Unity Editor
Fun Side Project
Boids Flocking Behavior
My implementation of the Boids flocking algorithm using a fish tank and runtime collition detection and obstacle avoidance
Parameters: Separation, Allignment & Cohesion
Flight Controller
Another one of my first projects in Unity3D back in 2015
Custom flight mechanics with dynamic camera
Procedural Maze
My implementation of run-time simulated maze based on rng (random number generator) and grid system.
DFS (depth first search) used to generate a perfect maze.
A perfect maze is one with no inaccessible cells or with no circular paths
I then used this to generate a dungeon maze with pre-implemented cells to generate a random maze with collection of these cells
Markerless AR Shooter
One of my first experiences with AR
Platform: iOS
Basic ray-cast and physics contained in an Endless shooter
Markerless AR with ground detection plane
My implementation of the recently popular Pokemon game with edge detection algorithm to define ground plane and spawn 3D animated models
Endless VR shooter
Platform: iOS, Google Cardboard
first VR game
Basic raycast and physics along with
NavMesh AI path finding
AI pathfinding/ following (NavMesh and non NavMesh)
The joy of NavMesh in Unity!
My implementation using a simple scene for AI path finding and following using unity's NavMesh and without using Navmesh.
Endless Runner (space shooter)
One of my oldest and first projects in Unity3d
High Score Saving
Random obstacles and coins
Endless level generation